Health & Safety Tips for Kids During Monsoon
7 Best Health and Safety Tips for Kids During Monsoon

7 Best Health and Safety Tips for Preschooler During Monsoon

The monsoon season brings a refreshing break from the heat and an abundance of joy for preschoolers. However, it also brings a lot of challenges and health concerns. To ensure the safety and well-being of our little ones, it is crucial to follow some essential precautions. 

In this blog, we’ve covered a comprehensive guide on monsoon safety for preschoolers that can be practiced at Mowgli’s Land Preschool to ensure a healthy and enjoyable monsoon for your little one!

1. Dress Appropriately for the Weather

During the monsoon, it is essential to dress your preschoolers in appropriate clothing to protect them from the harsh rain and humidity. Here are some ways that you can protect them this monsoon: 

  • Waterproof Gear: Invest in good-quality raincoats, waterproof jackets, and rain boots. These keep your child dry and prevent them from catching a cold or cough.
  • Comfortable Clothing: Use light, breathable fabrics that dry quickly. Avoid heavy materials that can become uncomfortable when wet. Wearing comfortable clothes could help with proper air circulation too.

2. Maintain Hygiene and Health

Hygiene is seen as the most important factor in the rainy season. During monsoon season, it’s most likely that a breeding ground will be formed, which can lead to infections and diseases. So following these points could be beneficial:

  • Hand Hygiene: Teach your child the importance of washing hands regularly with soap and water, especially before eating and after playing outside.
  • Clean Feet: Ensure that your preschooler’s feet are dry and clean to avoid fungal infections. Change their socks regularly to prevent any future rashes or discomfort.

3. Safe Playtime Activities

We know that it’s essential to ensure safety during the monsoons, but kindergarteners also need a sufficient amount of outdoor playtime activities in their growing years. As a parent, one must also understand the importance of safety during their little ones’ playtime.

  • Outdoor Safety: If playing outside, ensure that the play area is safe and not slippery. Avoid stagnant water to prevent mosquito bites.

Apart from the above, one must always supervise their preschooler during playtime to prevent accidents, as proper supervision is crucial for safety.

4. Mosquito Protection

Every year, the monsoon season increases the risk of mosquito-borne diseases like dengue and malaria. So for that, protecting your child from mosquito bites is crucial.

Below are some measures that can be useful for your preschooler:

  • Use Repellents: Apply child-friendly mosquito repellents to exposed skin. Use mosquito patches or bands for additional protection.
  • Protective Clothing: Try to make it a habit to cover your preschooler’s body whenever it is raining. Dress your kid in long-sleeved shirts and long pants to minimize skin exposure.
  • Mosquito Nets: Ensure that your child sleeps under a mosquito net, especially during the day when mosquitoes are most active.

5. Ensure Safe Drinking Water

Contaminated water is a common problem during the monsoon, leading to waterborne diseases. Given below are some steps to follow to ensure that the water is safe to drink for your preschooler:

  • Boiled Water: Always provide your preschoolers with boiled and cooled water for drinking. This ensures that the water is free from harmful bacteria.
  • Water Filters: Use water filters or purifiers at home to provide clean drinking water. Also, make sure to carry only filtered water when outside.
  • Hydration: Encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and flush out toxins from their body.

6. Maintain a Clean Environment

For preschoolers, a clean environment can significantly reduce the risk of any unwanted infections during the monsoon. Therefore, to avoid getting sick, one must stick to these preventive measures.

  • Clean Surroundings: Ensure that your home and its surroundings are clean and dry. Remove any stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding beforehand.
  • Disinfect: Regularly disinfect toys, surfaces, and frequently touched objects to kill germs and bacteria.
  • Ventilation: Keep your home well-ventilated to avoid dampness. Along with that, ensure proper ventilation in living spaces by using exhaust fans to allow air circulation.

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7. Monitor for Signs of Illness

Despite all precautions, it is essential to be vigilant for any signs of illness. Here are some common parameters to monitor in your preschooler:

  • Common Symptoms: Watch out for common symptoms in your preschooler, like fever, cough, cold, diarrhea, and skin rashes. 
  • Seek Medical Help: If your child shows any signs of illness, consult a pediatrician promptly. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent the hassle of medication.
  • Regular Checkups: Schedule regular health check-ups to ensure your child’s well-being during the monsoon season.


With Mowgli’s Land, the monsoon season can be a delightful time for preschoolers with the right safety measures in place. By dressing appropriately, maintaining hygiene, ensuring safe play, protecting against mosquitoes, providing safe drinking water, keeping the environment clean, and monitoring for illness, you can ensure a healthy and enjoyable monsoon for your little one. 

Remember, a little extra care goes a long way toward keeping your preschooler safe and happy during monsoons!

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