6 Essential Moral Values for Preschool Kids
6 Essential Moral Values for Preschoolers

6 Essential Moral Values to Teach Preschool Kids

As parents and caregivers, one of our most important jobs is to help children grow into kind and responsible beings. Teaching moral values at one of the Best Preschools in Bhopal at an early age can shape their character and guide them through life. 

In this blog, we’ll be discussing important moral values and ethics that are necessary for your little ones to inculcate in their growing years!

1. Honesty

Honesty means telling the truth and being loyal to others, as it is a crucial aspect of building strong and healthy relationships. Teaching children to be honest helps them understand the importance of trustworthiness. 

Here are some tips to follow to teach honesty to your preschooler:

  1. Be a role model: Children learn by watching adults. Show them how to be honest in your daily actions. Show good behavior so that they can understand and adhere to the same in their lives.
  1. Praise honesty: When your child tells the truth, especially in difficult situations, praise them. This encourages them to act honestly and keep being trustworthy.

2. Gratitude

Gratitude means appreciating and being thankful for whatever you have. It helps your little ones recognize the positive things in their lives and reduces feelings of authority. 

Below are some measures to go through to make them feel grateful: 

  1. Say thank you: Whether for a meal, a gift, or a kind act, encourage your child to say thank you often, as it will develop a sense of thankfulness in them.
  1. Express your gratitude: Let your child hear you express gratitude. This sets an example for them to feel grateful for even the little things in their lives.
  1. Make it a habit: Regularly ask your child what they are thankful for. This helps them focus on the positive things in their lives.

Also read: Preventing Smartphone Addiction in Your Preschooler

3. Responsibility

Responsibility means being reliable and accountable for one’s actions. Teaching responsibility to preschoolers helps them learn to take care of themselves and their belongings.

 Here are some ways to make your preschooler responsible:

  1. Assign simple tasks: Assign your preschooler some tasks that are age-appropriate chores, like picking up toys and small vessels or setting the table.
  1. Create routines: Establish routines that your child can follow, which helps them understand the importance of being responsible and disciplined.
  1. Praise efforts: Recognize and praise your child’s efforts to be responsible. This reinforces positive behavior in your kindergartener.

4. Sharing

Sharing is the act of giving others a part of what you have. It helps your preschoolers with their social and emotional development

You can let your little one practice sharing by following the below points:

  1. Encourage turn-taking: Teach your child to take turns when playing with toys. This helps them understand the concept of sharing.
  1. Model sharing: Show your child how to share by sharing your things with them or others.
  1. Praise sharing: When your child shares, praise them. Positive reinforcement encourages them to keep sharing.

5. Hard Work

Hard work means putting effort into doing tasks and not giving up easily. Teaching hard work helps children understand the value of perseverance and achieving goals.

By following the below-given ways, one can practice and make a habit of doing hard work:

  1. Set Examples: Show your child how you work hard on tasks, whether at work or home. This would let them realize the importance of working hard.
  1. Encourage effort: Praise your kid for their efforts, not just their achievements. This helps them understand that trying hard is important.
  1. Set small goals: Build your child’s confidence by setting and achieving small goals. Alongside, show them the true value of hard work.

6. Integrity

Integrity refers to the quality of being honest and trustworthy to others. It also includes being respectful and having strong moral principles. 

You can teach integrity to your kindergartener by following these:

  1. Discuss values: Use simple stories or examples that your child can understand, and talk about why it’s important to do the right thing. 
  1. Praise moral actions: When your child shows integrity, praise them. This reinforces the behavior and helps them see its value.
  1. Be a role model: Display integrity in your actions. Children learn by example, so show them how to act with integrity.


Teaching moral values to preschoolers is a continuous process. It involves various aspects, like being a good role model, creating a supportive environment, and reinforcing positive behavior.  By focusing on these qualities, you can help your child develop a strong moral foundation to guide them throughout their lives. 

Start teaching these values today with us at Mowgli’s Land and watch your child grow into a kind, responsible, and conscientious individual!

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